Sometimes, graduate students in good standing at The Catholic University of America may find it necessary to take time away from their studies.

Because The Catholic University of America is a term-based credit-hour institution, it cannot offer a federally approved Leave of Absence (LOA) option. However, degree seeking graduate students may request to be place on Academic Leave for a future semester.

Non-degree graduate students are not eligible for academic leave. A non-degree student who does not enroll in consecutive terms or who enrolls in a different school must submit a new application for admission, which must be accompanied by the application fee.

A student who desires academic leave for their first term, should contact The Office of Graduate Admissions ( to request deferral.

The full University Change of Enrollment Policy can be found in the Graduate Announcements, as well as on the University Policies website. A complete listing of the Academic Leave, Term Withdrawal, and Permanent Withdrawal options can also be found on this website in our General Information, Policies and Guidelines, and Graduate Studies FAQ sections.

However, degree seeking graduate students may find the table below helpful in deciding which of the three interruption of studies options best suit their individual needs.

The Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies strongly suggests to students contemplating interrupting their studies that they discuss these options with their adviser, department chair (where applicable), and school dean BEFORE submitting a leave or withdrawal request.

Students must drop or withdraw from all courses before they submit an academic leave, term withdrawal, or permanent withdrawal request. Failure to drop courses will delay the processing of the leave request.

Drops/withdrawals from courses are done through Cardinal Students in the normal manner. This site is meant only for withdrawals from all classes in a given semester, or withdrawal from the University completely.

When can this happen? An academic leave may be requested through the last day to request an academic leave, as noted in the academic calendar, as long as the student has not yet received a grade (including W grades) for any courses in the term. Term withdrawal can be requested after you have enrolled and withdrawn from classes (i.e. after the add/drop deadline) up until the last date to withdraw from regular session classes with a "W" as posted on the University Academic Calendar. Permanent withdrawal may be requested at any time that a student wishes permanent separation from their program of study with no intent to return.
How long is the leave? One (1) to two (2) semesters One (1) semester Permanent
What appears on my academic transcript? Nothing. The Academic Leave is not counted towards the time allowed for the completion of residence or other degree requirements. If a student withdraws after the end of the Registration Add/Drop Period, they will receive a grade of "W" in every class in which they were enrolled. This grade will appear on their transcript. Students will receive a "W" grade in each class in which they were registered.
How do I return? Register for courses as usual at the end of the leave period. Register for courses as usual at the beginning of the next semester. If you have withdrawn from The University and subsequently decide to return to CUA, you must submit an application for re-admission to the Office of Graduate Admissions.
What happens if I do not return? You are subject to Permanent Withdrawal from the University. If the separation is expected to go beyond the start of the next semester, you must apply for an Academic Leave. If you do not apply for an Academic Leave, you are subject to Permanent Withdrawal from the University.

After reviewing which option best fits your particular situation, you can apply for the appropriate Academic Leave or Withdrawal by completing the Academic Leave/Withdrawal Online Request Form.

Students must drop or withdraw from all courses before they submit an academic leave, term withdrawal, or permanent withdrawal request. Failure to drop courses will delay the processing of the leave request.

Drops/withdrawals from courses are done through Cardinal Students in the normal manner. This site is meant only for withdrawals from all classes in a given semester, or withdrawal from the University completely.

PLEASE NOTE: As required by Federal law and United States Department of Education guidelines, CUA must notify the National Student Clearinghouse of all students who fail to maintain continuous enrollment and list them as "not enrolled," with an effective date of the day immediately after the conclusion of The University's Registration Drop/Add Period. Recipients of Federal Student Loans will enter their loan grace period, and if they have previously used up their loan grace period, will immediately enter into loan repayment.